When I meet with my couples, one of the biggest parts of advice I always have for them is to try not to get caught up in the small stuff on the day of. It’s SO easy to do, whether your wedding is big or small. There are so many last-minute things that come up just weeks or days before, but be sure to take time just for you. Wedding planning can be stressful, but at the end of the day – it’s about the two of you. Everything will come together as it was meant to, and if there is the smallest item not set up as you had envisioned, a tie is misplaced or you mess up words during your vows, just laugh about it. It happens. (literally at every single wedding) It will be imperfectly perfect because it’s YOUR day & most importantly – you’re still marrying your person.

This wedding is the perfect example of how to enjoy every. single. minute on your wedding day. To take it alllllll in, to forget everything else and truly be present in every moment. When these two first contacted me about their destination wedding they were planning here in Nova Scotia, I couldn’t wait to be a part of it & I knew we would be a great fit. Together, with 11 of their closest family members and friends, they said I do by the ocean. Swipe through below for a few more of their relaxed and intimate wedding day..




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